Mode: Hybrid
Location: London, United Kingdom
Terrain: Narrow, cobblestone streets, plenty of corners to hide behind, and lots of nooks and crannies to explore
Best Heroes: Orisa, Widowmaker, Moira
Mode: Assault
Location: Santorini Island, Greece
Terrain: City area with winding paths, plenty of vantage points, while everything revolves around the center of the map
Best Heroes: Roadhog, Winston, Lucio
Mode: Assault
Location: Japan
Terrain: Suburban area that features temple grounds and small buildings, long straightaways with a few ledges to snipe from
Best Heroes: Reinhardt, Torbjörn, Symmetra
Mode: Assault
Location: Egypt
Terrain: Temple with plenty of overpasses and stairs, making multi-level combat the primary focus
Best Heroes: Orisa, Bastion, Pharah
Mode: Escort
Location: Mexico
Terrain: Primarily outdoors, tons of cover, places to hide and turtle, and strategic spots to leap out and melee an enemy
Best Heroes: Zarya, Junkrat, Zenyatta
Mode: Hybrid
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Terrain: Begins on Hollywood Boulevard and progresses through various movie sets, both a mix of close quarters combat and hideouts
Best Heroes: Winston, McCree, Ashe
Mode: Control
Location: Iraq
Terrain: Futuristic Middle-Eastern city area, features a raised ledge in the center of the map
Best Heroes: Reaper, Tracer, Lucio
Mode: Control
Location: China
Terrain: A modern city area, great close quarters combat and plenty of entrance ways into the control zone
Best Heroes: Wrecking Ball, Symmetra, Sigma
Mode: Hybrid
Location: Irvine, California
Terrain: A Blizzard Entertainment-themed park with plenty of ledges, buildings, choke points and narrow pathways
Best Heroes: Mei, Junkrat, Lucio